
Best toys for 2 year olds {that are educational too!}

Must have toys for toddler development

Learning through play is the way to go for young kids, but what toys should you buy them? My daughter has worked with a speech therapist and an infant educator and by watching what they do, plus toys they recommended to me, I’ve put together this list of the best learning toys for 2 year olds.

These toys are not only fun but are educational and/or help with their development in one way or another. Some may require a little bit of help from a grown-up while they figure them out but many are great for independent play as well.

You want to provide your child with toys/activities that will develop both their gross motor skills (i.e. walking, running, jumping), fine motor skills (movements using small muscles), and teach them basic skills like identifying colors, shapes, numbers, etc.

best learning toys for toddlers

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Best Toddler Toys

Have a 2-year-old toddler?! These toys are the best for helping to work on their education and development while they play.

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educational toys for 2 year olds

Age appropriate learning toys for 2 year olds

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