14 days of Valentines
Wondering what you can do as an inexpensive valentine’s day idea without losing the romance? This simple but sweet love challenge is perfect for your spouse, boyfriend, or even your kids!
This post is inspired by my grandparents. Whenever we went to visit you would see little love notes that they would leave for each other all over the house. (#relationshipgoals).
This can be a great practice at any time of year for Anniversaries, birthdays, or if your relationship just needs a pick me up. But Valentine’s Day is an especially great time to set up 14 days of love letters for that someone special.
Miss having a February 1st start date? It’s not too late! Do a shortened version, or start it on Valentine’s Day and do it for the rest of February instead!
I was able to do this for $5 with items I bought from the dollar tree! You can also use the links below to pick up the items on Amazon.
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What you need for the love challenge:
- 14 hearts. You can use these foam heart stickers or cut your own hearts out of colored paper.
- 1 sharpie to write your notes with
- 14 boxes of sweethearts candies. (Alternatively, you can use a jar or mailbox for your notes or letters)
Create your love notes
The first thing you need to do is to create your love notes. Take your 14 hearts and write 14 reasons why you love your spouse. Make sure to choose a mix of reasons (no one wants to be all looks or all personality).
Need ideas?
- Your favorite thing about their looks
- Something they are really good at.
- How they treat you or other people.
- A special act of service they always do for you
Make them thoughtful and unique to the two of you! If you need filler you can look up a short poem or quote, but finding 14 things you love about your husband or significant other shouldn’t be too hard.
Looking for more ways to strengthen your marriage? Find out your love languages!
Put together your 14 days of Valentine gifts
There are several ways you can present your notes. For Valentine’s Day, I’m doing it using 14 Sweetheart Candy boxes. I’m hiding a love note inside each box of candy (I had to dump a few candies out to fit the heart in.)
Each day I left my husband one box on his nightstand, in his coffee cup, in his lunch pail, somewhere he will easily find them. If you’re using boxes you can number them so they are delivered in a certain order or you can just choose one of your boxes at random each day.
Alternatively, you can put all the notes into a jar or mailbox and have them pick one out each day before they head to work.
Adapt it for your child
If you are doing this for your children it’s a similar process. Think of things they’re been improving upon, things they do well. God forbid they are getting bullied about something try to find some words of affirmation surrounding the issue for them.
Putting a sweetheart box in their lunch every day would be fun or hide them around the house for them to find. The mailbox is also a fun choice for kids as you can put the flag up once the note has been delivered.
This is so sweet! I wonder if I could pull it off for Valentine’s this year, so fun!